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Run that by me again.这句话的结构和意思都不懂?
You are one fantastic mom.one不是冠词怎么可以用one?难道one和fantastic mom是同位语?
I've been noticing how little quality time you spend with Dad and Me...and the family.这应该是感叹句形式的宾语从句吧how little quality time这怎么解释?
I think I have an idea that will bring Dad and you together in a more scheduled way.这里的that引导的是定语从句吧,in a more scheduled
Well,you know how Dad is always talking about the kids in the ward and how important it is for them to be paid attention to?这句话的第一个how什么意思怎么翻译?第二个how是感叹句吧,for them to be paid attention to这句话的结构看不懂啊!是be paid attention to做了them的后置定语还是补语还是什么?
how would it be if you took some time to work with Dad towards solving that problem?这里if后面为什么要用过去式?
I've been trying to work out a program in the public school that will bring parents and teachers together once a week to read to the students——their own children,really.这句话里的that到底是引导词还是指代前面提到的内容省略引导词的宾语从句,我感觉像后者.
So it might fit in with a program for reading to the kids in the hospital.直译:这可能同一个计划相吻合,为住院的孩子们读书.书本上的翻译:这可能同给住院的孩子们读书的计划相吻合.a program和for reading to the kids in the hospital是同位语还是什么?
When somebody gives you their telephone number or their address and you don't get it the first time, you can say, 'Could you run that by me again?'.'' ...

1You are one fantastic mom.你是一位好母亲
one是数词作定语修饰fantastic mom,本句也可以用不定冠词a
2I've been noticing how little quality time you spend with Dad and Me...and the family.这是宾语从句how little quality time是连接词 引导宾语从句 并作从句中spend的宾语
how little修饰 quality time
3I think I have an idea that will bring Dad and you together in a more scheduled way.这里的that引导的是定语从句,in a more scheduled way以较为定期地的方式
4Well,you know how Dad is always talking about the kids in the ward and how important it is for them to be paid attention to?这句话的第一个how是连接副词引导宾语从句并作从句中的方式状语 以什么方式
第二个how important引导的是并列的宾语从句,how important作宾从中的表语
it是宾从中的形式主语for them to be paid attention to是动词不定式的复合结构作宾从中的真主语
to be paid attention to是不定式的被动形式与不定式的逻辑主语them是被动关系
5how would it be if you took some time to work with Dad towards solving that problem?这里if后面为什么要用过去式?因为主句是过去将来时.这是与将来情况可能相反的虚拟语气.
6I've been trying to work out a program in the public school that will bring parents and teachers together once a week to read to the students——their own children,really.这句话里的that是关系代词代替a program引导定语从句并作定从中的主语
7So it might fit in with a program for reading to the kids in the hospital.
这可能与给住院的孩子们读书的计划相吻合.for reading to the kids in the hospital是定语修饰a program