As you visit blogs and read comments you will notice that some people appear to have an alias(别名)and some people appear to be using their real names.Whichever route you choose(alias or real name) that is the name that will become associated with you.When readers see a comment from your alias or real name they will recognize you as part of a community(团体).
There are several reasons I can think of to use an alias:
·Privacy:Some people are not comfortable putting their real names online.They prefer to have a degree of privacy when they comment or blog.
·Too many people with the same name:For example there are a lot of different bloggers with the name Melanie.It's hard to remember who is who without a little help.
·Branding(使显得独一无二):Many bloggers have a brand they' ve developed based on their blog and/or their interests.Commenting under that brand helps others recognize them.The brand can be an alias or the name of your blog.
When I started blogging four years ago I only went by Chilihead online.I was cautious about privacy issues and didn't want anyone I know to visit my blog and know it was me.
As I've gained readership and started writing for other blogs I realized that Chilihead as an alias wasn't always going to cut it. For one thing many of the professional organizations I deal with prefer to have a real name for their authors and not a nickname or alias.So I began to use my real name Melanie.
However it became clear that Chilihead was not going to be lost completely.It is part of my brand in the mommy blog world.People know me as Chilihead.When I comment as Melanie my blog friends don't always realize it's me.So now I go by both names.
Do you use an alias or real name? Why?