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Writing a Short Story

Stephen King said “If you don’t have time to read you don’t have time to write.” That means if you’ve never read a short story it will be difficult to write one. Writing a short story is a popular hobby for a lot of people.    46    Writing a good story is not easy but it is certainly worth doing it. How to write a short story? Here are some steps you should take to write a good story.

Step 1

Every story starts with an idea. Start by thinking about the things that you enjoy.    47    Other ideas can come from thinking about subjects that you’d like to know more about.

Step 2

Once you have an idea you can then decide who your main characters are going to be. Consider having both a hero and villain (恶棍) in your story. This will help to keep your readers interested.

Step 3

   48    Most writers plan their stories by creating an outline. It should describe the main events that happen. This will help anyone who reads the story to follow its events.

Step 4

Now that you have your outline it is time to start writing. Follow your outline and write your short story. At this point your story does not have to be perfect.    49    Then you can make some more detail information this will help you understand what your story is about.

Step 5

The story you have written is your first draft(草稿) the next step is to read though it and revise (修改). After your self-revision its time to get some advice about your story.    50    Finallyyou should now have a well-written story.

AYou will go back and improve it later.

BBefore you start you need to plan your story.

CIt is also an excellent way to express creative idea.

DThese activities are very good subjects to base your stories on.

EHave others read your story so they can make suggestions for you to improve your story.


1C 2D 3B 4A 5E

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