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There are no less than 60 students in the class.(改同义句)
There are ______ _______ 60 students in the class.
There are not less than 60 students in the class.(改同义句)又该如何改?
There are ______ _______ 60 students in the class.
请分别用 no more than 和 not more than 分别举例。


no less than  指等于或多于,即从不少于情况看和... 基本一样,也就是至少,相当于副词短语 at least.

no more than 指等于或少于,即从不多于情况看和... 基本一样, 也就是最多/顶多,等相当于副词短语 at most.

not more than 指只能少于,还达不到等于,也就是达不到、超不过,相当于 less than.,


There are (no less than) 60 students in theclass.【意思是“有 60个或多于60 个学生”】

There are (at least) 60 students in the class.


There are (no more than) 60 students in theclass. 【意思是“有 60个或少于60 个学生”】

There are (at most) 60 students in the class.


There are (not more than) 60 students in theclass. 【意思是“有不足60个学生”】

There are (under) 60 students in the class.

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