早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
有一个计费表 表名 jifei 字段如下: phone(8位的电话号码), month(月份),expenses(月消费,费用为0表明该月没有产生费用)
下面是该表的一条记录:64262631,201011,30.6 这条记录的含义就是64262631的号码在2010年11月份产生了30.6元的话费。
1、 查找2010年6、7、8月有话费产生但9、10月没有使用并(6、7、8月话费均在51-100元之间的用户。
2、 查找2010年以来(截止到10月31日)所有后四位尾数符合AABB或者ABAB或者AAAA的电话号码。(A、 B 分别代表1—9中任意的一个数字)
3、 删除jifei表中所有10月份出现的两条相同记录中的其中一条记录。
有一个计费表 表名 jifei 字段如下: phone(8位的电话号码), month(月份),expenses(月消费,费用为0表明该月没有产生费用)
下面是该表的一条记录:64262631,201011,30.6 这条记录的含义就是64262631的号码在2010年11月份产生了30.6元的话费。
1、 查找2010年6、7、8月有话费产生但9、10月没有使用并(6、7、8月话费均在51-100元之间的用户。
2、 查找2010年以来(截止到10月31日)所有后四位尾数符合AABB或者ABAB或者AAAA的电话号码。(A、 B 分别代表1—9中任意的一个数字)
3、 删除jifei表中所有10月份出现的两条相同记录中的其中一条记录。
我这是以oracle为例的.. .. ..
1[0].select distinct t1.phone from
( select * from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-06','yyyy-mm') and expenses > 50 and expenses < 100 ) t1,
( select * from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-07','yyyy-mm') and expenses > 50 and expenses < 100 ) t2,
(select * from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-08','yyyy-mm') and expenses > 50 and expenses < 100 ) t3,
select * from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-09','yyyy-mm') and expenses = 0 ) t4,
select * from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-10','yyyy-mm') and expenses = 0 ) t5
where t1.phone = t2.phone
and t2.phone = t3.phone
and t3.phone = t4.phone
and t4.phone = t5.phone
1[1].select phone from
( select phone , 1 ct from jifei
where (to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-06','yyyy-mm')
or to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-07','yyyy-mm')
or to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-08','yyyy-mm')
and expenses > 50 and expenses < 100 )
or ( to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-09','yyyy-mm')
or to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-10','yyyy-mm') and expenses = 0 )
group by phone having sum(ct) = 5
2. select distinct phone from (
select phone ,
substr(phone,length(phone)-3,1) fst,
substr(phone,length(phone)-2,1) sec,
substr(phone,length(phone)-1,1) thr,
substr(phone,length(phone),1) fou
from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') > todate ('201101','yyyymm') - 1/24/60/60/60
and to_date(month,'yyyymm') < todate ('201111','yyyymm') + 1/24/60/60/60
where (fst = sec and sec = thr and thr = fou)
or (fst = sec and thr = fou )
or (fst = thr and sec = fou )
--oracle 可以直接使用rowid,并不是没有办法
3. delete from jifei where rowid in (
select max(rowid) from jifei where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-10','yyyy-mm')
group by phone,month,expenses having count(*) = 2
create table temp as select * from jifei where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-10','yyyy-mm')
group by phone,month,expenses having count(*) = 2
truncate table jifei;
insert into jifei select * from temp;
drop table temp;
4. select distinct t1.phone from
(select phone,month from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-09','yyyy-mm') and expenses > 30) t1,
(select phone,month from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-10','yyyy-mm') and expenses > 30) t2
where t1.phone = t2.phone
1[0].select distinct t1.phone from
( select * from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-06','yyyy-mm') and expenses > 50 and expenses < 100 ) t1,
( select * from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-07','yyyy-mm') and expenses > 50 and expenses < 100 ) t2,
(select * from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-08','yyyy-mm') and expenses > 50 and expenses < 100 ) t3,
select * from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-09','yyyy-mm') and expenses = 0 ) t4,
select * from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-10','yyyy-mm') and expenses = 0 ) t5
where t1.phone = t2.phone
and t2.phone = t3.phone
and t3.phone = t4.phone
and t4.phone = t5.phone
1[1].select phone from
( select phone , 1 ct from jifei
where (to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-06','yyyy-mm')
or to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-07','yyyy-mm')
or to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-08','yyyy-mm')
and expenses > 50 and expenses < 100 )
or ( to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-09','yyyy-mm')
or to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-10','yyyy-mm') and expenses = 0 )
group by phone having sum(ct) = 5
2. select distinct phone from (
select phone ,
substr(phone,length(phone)-3,1) fst,
substr(phone,length(phone)-2,1) sec,
substr(phone,length(phone)-1,1) thr,
substr(phone,length(phone),1) fou
from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') > todate ('201101','yyyymm') - 1/24/60/60/60
and to_date(month,'yyyymm') < todate ('201111','yyyymm') + 1/24/60/60/60
where (fst = sec and sec = thr and thr = fou)
or (fst = sec and thr = fou )
or (fst = thr and sec = fou )
--oracle 可以直接使用rowid,并不是没有办法
3. delete from jifei where rowid in (
select max(rowid) from jifei where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-10','yyyy-mm')
group by phone,month,expenses having count(*) = 2
create table temp as select * from jifei where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-10','yyyy-mm')
group by phone,month,expenses having count(*) = 2
truncate table jifei;
insert into jifei select * from temp;
drop table temp;
4. select distinct t1.phone from
(select phone,month from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-09','yyyy-mm') and expenses > 30) t1,
(select phone,month from jifei
where to_date(month,'yyyymm') = to_date('2011-10','yyyy-mm') and expenses > 30) t2
where t1.phone = t2.phone
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