越来越多的人使用智能手机(smart-phone),而身边的“低头族(phubbers)”也随处可见。请根据表格所给信息,以“Refuse to be phubbers”为题写一篇短文。
好处 | 看新闻,查资料,网购,聊天…… |
现 象 | 1. 吃饭时玩手机,不与家人交谈 2. 走路甚至骑车、开车时看手机 3. 睡觉前玩手机 |
弊 端 | 1. 影响和家人朋友的关系 2. 可能带来交通事故的危险 3. 对健康有害,不利于学习与工作 |
观 点 | 1. 事实上,面对面交流更加便利并胜于网上聊天 2. 手机对于现代生活确实有帮助且极为重要,但要正确使用 3. 做健康的使用者,不要成为低头族 |
参考词汇:面对面交流 face-to-face conversations 正确使用 make good use of 方便的convenient
Refuse to be phubbers
More and more people are using smart-phones. And Phubbers can be seen here and there.
Refuse to be phubbers
More and more people are using smart-phones. And Phubbers can be seen here and there. We can use smart-phones to read news search information shop online and chat with each other.
But some family members play with their smart-phones while eating with families instead of talking with them. It has bad effects on the relationship between them. Some people look at their smart-phones while walking even riding or driving. It may increase the danger of causing traffic accidents. Some people play with smart-phones before sleeping at night. It’s bad for their health work and study.
In fact face-to-face conversations are much more convenient and better than chatting online by phone. Mobile phones are helpful and necessary tools for modern life. But we should make good use of them and try to be “healthy” users rather than Phubbers.
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