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英语作文: 我最尊敬的人 最少60字 在线等
不要过于深奥 希望有中文意思
不要过于深奥 希望有中文意思
My most respected person
My most respected person is Bin-Laden,because he show no interest in enjoy the normal life of a billionair but donates his whole life to the affairs of fight against the hegemony of the western conuntries.The America invade other weak countries in every excuse such as for the peace,the liberty,the freedom by its strong power.This is so unfair.And Bin Laden stand up for the fair of the world.I respect him so much that he is the symble of the justice in fact but being treated as terrorists by mistake.
My most respected person is Bin-Laden,because he show no interest in enjoy the normal life of a billionair but donates his whole life to the affairs of fight against the hegemony of the western conuntries.The America invade other weak countries in every excuse such as for the peace,the liberty,the freedom by its strong power.This is so unfair.And Bin Laden stand up for the fair of the world.I respect him so much that he is the symble of the justice in fact but being treated as terrorists by mistake.
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