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The mobile and wireless markets in China,the U.S.,and Europe have experienced rapid development,but standardization represents a major challenge.China’s government is dealing with competition,policy,and the regulatory consequences of mobile telephony.The Chinese market presents unique characteristics,along with enormous potential.China is destined to be the only country in the world that allows the simultaneous existence of multiple 3G standards.Meanwhile,it is emulating marketing strategies and concepts found in the U.S.and Europe.While it will take time for China to catch up to its Western counterparts in delivering services,such initiatives will certainly increase mobile data adoption [6].
In the U.S.,government regulation is often unpopular,and large companies set their own standards.As a result,several different standards are being used concurrently,resulting in incompatible networks.Many users also have to choose from among different providers for long-distance and local telephone calls,as well as from a number of different technical solutions; determining which is best is difficult.
Meanwhile,each country in Europe is a relatively small market unto itself,so most European mobile telecom companies operate in three or four countries.The result is increased interest in participating in standardization procedures,so their products can be used in as many countries as possible.
移动和无线市场中,美国和欧洲出现了迅速的发展,但标准化是一个重大的挑战.我国政府正在处理竞争,政策和监管的后果移动电话.在中国市场提出了独特的特点,加上巨大的潜力.中国注定要成为唯一在世界各国中,允许同时存在多个3G标准.同时,它是模仿的营销战略和概念发现在美国和欧洲.虽然需要一定的时间为中国赶超西方国家在提供服务,这种主动行动肯定会增加移动数据通过[ 6 ] .在美国,政府管制往往是不受欢迎的,与大型企业制定自己的标准.结果,几个不同的标准,同时正在使用,造成不兼容的网络.许多用户也可以选择不同供应商的长途和本地电话,以及从一些不同的技术解决方案;确定哪些是最好的是很困难的.与此同时,每个国家在欧洲是一个相对较小的市场告诉自己,因此,大多数欧洲移动通信公司在三,四个国家.其结果是增加了兴趣参加标准化程序,使它们的产品可以用在尽可能多的国家.