早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


奥鹏东北师范大学期末作业考核 《大学英语(一)》 高起专 麻烦帮帮忙给我正确答案
Section B
Direction:There are 10 blanks in the followingpassage.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You shouldchoose the One answer that best completes the passage.Then mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Many teachersbelieve that the responsibilities for learning lie with the students.(16)a long reading assignment is given,instructors expect students to be familiarwith the (17) in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class ortake an examination.The (18) student is considered to be (19)who is motivated to learn for the sake of (20),not the one interestedonly in getting high grades.Sometimes homework is returned (21) briefwritten comments but without a grade.Even if a grade is not given,thestudents are (22) for learning the material assigned.When research is (23),the professor expects the students to take it actively and to complete it with (24)guidance.It is the (25) responsibility to find books,magazines,andarticles in the library.
16.A.If B.Although C.Because D.Before
17.A.suggestion B.context C.abstract D.information
18.A.poor B.ideal C.average D.common
19.A.such B.one C.any D.some
20.A.fun B.work C.learning D.prize
21.A.by B.in C.for D.with
22.A.criticized B.innocent C.responsible D.dismissed
23.A.collected B.distributed C.assigned D.finished
24.A.maximum B.minimum C.possible D.practical
25.A.student’s B.professor’s C.assistant’s D.librarian’s
二、Writing (共50分)
For this part,youare allowed 30 minutes to write a composition in three paragraphs.The title ofthe composition is “ The Advantages of Traveling By Bicycle”.You are given thefirst sentence of each paragraph.Your composition should be about 120 words,not including the words given.
The Advantages of Traveling by Bicycle
1.to travel bybicycle has many advantages.
2.Second,travelingby bicycle is good for health,because it is good exercise
3.Lastbut not least,bicycling is good for our environment.