早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
一 校训是什么?校训有什么作用?一个学样校训应该体现什么?
Recently we heard the school motto of school change,from originally of "diligence is realistic" behind plus a "inspiring mingde".Now and not after the modification of the school motto we have bad do any judge,first to talk about my thinking about some of the training.
A motto?What?What role does the school motto?A study sample motto should reflect?
As the school motto,educating a way and the method,according to ji "explanation,its meaning is" for the convenience of the school had a strong arm for disciplining,choose several DE orders,the school board made suspension of male see land ","purpose personal attention at any time in practice".Literally,motto,is to set up fine school school spirit,cultivate good style of study and the requirements for teachers and students,the common basic thoughts standard and behavior rules.[1]
The school motto is traditional revealing,is a directional education means and management measures.Every school in its development process,more or less will be formed its own unique historical tradition and humanistic landscape,attract,infection,shape each individual in the atmosphere.In this long-term accumulation of the invisible power to the teachers and students thought,emotion,will,character and behavior of education,natural is any other way,cannot replace.Say,a school motto is a school best billboards,it most fully reflected a school value orientation and the characteristic,at the same time a school mottos also served a very strong cohesion,binding force,and urges it to a school all teachers and students tightly together,incentive all teachers and students continue to forge ahead!
From this view it,a school motto of great influence the quality,deeply!
一 校训是什么?校训有什么作用?一个学样校训应该体现什么?
Recently we heard the school motto of school change,from originally of "diligence is realistic" behind plus a "inspiring mingde".Now and not after the modification of the school motto we have bad do any judge,first to talk about my thinking about some of the training.
A motto?What?What role does the school motto?A study sample motto should reflect?
As the school motto,educating a way and the method,according to ji "explanation,its meaning is" for the convenience of the school had a strong arm for disciplining,choose several DE orders,the school board made suspension of male see land ","purpose personal attention at any time in practice".Literally,motto,is to set up fine school school spirit,cultivate good style of study and the requirements for teachers and students,the common basic thoughts standard and behavior rules.[1]
The school motto is traditional revealing,is a directional education means and management measures.Every school in its development process,more or less will be formed its own unique historical tradition and humanistic landscape,attract,infection,shape each individual in the atmosphere.In this long-term accumulation of the invisible power to the teachers and students thought,emotion,will,character and behavior of education,natural is any other way,cannot replace.Say,a school motto is a school best billboards,it most fully reflected a school value orientation and the characteristic,at the same time a school mottos also served a very strong cohesion,binding force,and urges it to a school all teachers and students tightly together,incentive all teachers and students continue to forge ahead!
From this view it,a school motto of great influence the quality,deeply!
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