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The Julian calendar history evolution and the week""
[ Abstract ] the Julian calendar is the calendar ( the Gregorian calendar ) Gray fruit in the predecessor,the line used in45 BC to 1582,some countries still in use until twentieth Century.The Julian calendar is the calendar a part of history,but also a week anniversary history.However,Julian record this body has a very complex historical evolution process,during which it had been three reform.This article according to the Julian calendar in the evolution history of the different characteristic of each phase and intercalation method to establish the year,month,date and week function relation,as the" restoration" of the Julian calendar week with precise calculation formula for weeks,arrangement and research of the period in the history of literature to provide reference and help .
[ Abstract ] the Julian calendar is the calendar ( the Gregorian calendar ) Gray fruit in the predecessor,the line used in45 BC to 1582,some countries still in use until twentieth Century.The Julian calendar is the calendar a part of history,but also a week anniversary history.However,Julian record this body has a very complex historical evolution process,during which it had been three reform.This article according to the Julian calendar in the evolution history of the different characteristic of each phase and intercalation method to establish the year,month,date and week function relation,as the" restoration" of the Julian calendar week with precise calculation formula for weeks,arrangement and research of the period in the history of literature to provide reference and help .
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