早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The truth of her life was a desire to see beyond the surface for a glimpse(一瞥)of 【what it is that matters】.She found beauty and grace(仁慈)and they befriended(帮助)her,and 【showed her what is real】.
1、解释【】里的what it is that matters是不是what matters中的what被强调了.如果是的话,what matters 尤其是matter什么意思,请先直译,然后意译.
2、第2个【】里的句子中,show her what is real,是show sb.sth.这里的what is real 该如何翻译呢?
The truth of her life was a desire to see beyond the surface for a glimpse(一瞥)of 【what it is that matters】.She found beauty and grace(仁慈)and they befriended(帮助)her,and 【showed her what is real】.
1、解释【】里的what it is that matters是不是what matters中的what被强调了.如果是的话,what matters 尤其是matter什么意思,请先直译,然后意译.
2、第2个【】里的句子中,show her what is real,是show sb.sth.这里的what is real 该如何翻译呢?
The truth of her life was《 a desire 》to 《see beyond the surface》 for a glimpse(一瞥)of what it is that matters.She found beauty and grace(仁慈)and they befriended(帮助)her,and (BEAUTY AND GRACE) showed her what is real.
WHAT 都是因为句子缺成份,而做的主语.
The truth of her life was《 a desire 》to 《see beyond the surface》 for a glimpse(一瞥)of what it is that matters.She found beauty and grace(仁慈)and they befriended(帮助)her,and (BEAUTY AND GRACE) showed her what is real.
WHAT 都是因为句子缺成份,而做的主语.
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