早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
题目是Environment and Development,Which Is More Important?或者是Work and life in the 21st century.字数在200词左右.
题目是Environment and Development,Which Is More Important?或者是Work and life in the 21st century.字数在200词左右.
We all know that both environment protection and economic development are important.How to cope with the relationship between environment protection and economic development is a big problem to the whole human society.Let’s find the inside relationship between them.
The self-contradict movement of environment protection and economic development is the decisive element which keeps the society developing persistent.In our country,economic development makes great pressure to the environment and the pollution limits the development of social economic.The strategy of persistent development is the key-way to solve the problem.
It has an important realistic meaning to make an analysis about the self-contradict movement of environment protection and economic development.The self-contradict movement is the original power which drives all the things to develop.In fact the relation of environment protection and economic development basely is the relation of human being and nature.
The self-contradict movement of environment protection and economic development is the decisive element which keeps the society developing persistent.In our country,economic development makes great pressure to the environment and the pollution limits the development of social economic.The strategy of persistent development is the key-way to solve the problem.
It has an important realistic meaning to make an analysis about the self-contradict movement of environment protection and economic development.The self-contradict movement is the original power which drives all the things to develop.In fact the relation of environment protection and economic development basely is the relation of human being and nature.
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