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Cars and the City traffic
In China, more and more people own private cars. It is said that in Guangzhou there are more than four hundred thousand cars. It's because the economy is expanding rapidly and therefore the family income goes up year by year. People want to enjoy a more comfortable life and earn certain social status. Private cars are one of their choices.
There is no doubt that private cars make us travel faster and farther, but they do have caused some problems. For example, they emit too much exhaust fumes and thus pollute the air. This causes further problems. The old people especially suffer a lot from it. Private cars also contribute greatly to the increase of traffic jams and accidents. If the speed of road construction can not keep up with the quickly growing numbers of the cars, the road will be crowded seriously as time goes on.
How can we solve these problems? First, we can improve the qualities of the cars so that they produce less smokes and noises when running. Second, we should plant more trees and grass all over the cities to freshen the air. Lastly, we can build rings roads around cities so that they will less pollute the downtown areas. In short, we will do what we can to solve the problems brought by private cars and protect our living environment.
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