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Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, friends:
Today, have the opportunity to attend the Boao forum for Asia 2004, I feel very happy. First of all, I represent the Chinese government, to the guests, a warm welcome!
In recent years, in the Asian countries and the support of the international community, the Boao forum for Asia development, playing an increasingly prominent role in regional cooperation process, demonstrating aspirations of the peoples of Asia to the world to seek cooperation and win-win.
We are pleased to see, the Asian situation overall stability, peace, development, cooperation has become the mainstream of Asian progress. Through the joint efforts of relevant countries in Asia, get rid of the shadow of the financial crisis, overcome the impact of SARS and bird flu, the adjustment of economic structure to achieve results, quickened the pace of industrial upgrading, regional cooperation be just unfolding, increased the risk resisting ability. Asia is still one of the most vigorous area in the whole world, and is also one of the important points of the growth of global trade. We have full confidence in the prospects for the development of asia.
Ladies, gentlemen! Chinese cannot do without the development of Asia, and Asia's prosperity also needs China. China will adhere to the road of peaceful development, peace, development and cooperation, banner, with Asian countries to create a new Asian rejuvenation, and make greater contributions to the lofty cause of peace and development for mankind. Thank you everyone.
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