早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
How shall we make Zongzi?
To make this special food,we need to have___.
How shall we make Zongzi?
To make this special food,we need to have___.
How shall we make Zongzi?
To make this special food,we need to have one kilo of glutinous rice,half a kilo of beef,some red dates,two spoons of salt,some reed leaves and some strings.(材料)
How to make Zongzi?First,put the glutinous rice into the clean water and keep it for two hours.At the same time,wash some reed leaves and cut the beef into pieces.(浸糯米,切牛肉)【高分句型】Next,shape the reed leaves by hand.(拢粽叶)【高分句型】Then,fill them with the glutinous rice and beef pieces.Add some red dates if you like.(填充馅料【高分句型】And then,tie Zongzi with strings.(扎粽子Finally,steam them.(蒸粽子)
To make this special food,we need to have one kilo of glutinous rice,half a kilo of beef,some red dates,two spoons of salt,some reed leaves and some strings.(材料)
How to make Zongzi?First,put the glutinous rice into the clean water and keep it for two hours.At the same time,wash some reed leaves and cut the beef into pieces.(浸糯米,切牛肉)【高分句型】Next,shape the reed leaves by hand.(拢粽叶)【高分句型】Then,fill them with the glutinous rice and beef pieces.Add some red dates if you like.(填充馅料【高分句型】And then,tie Zongzi with strings.(扎粽子Finally,steam them.(蒸粽子)
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