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Reading a novel written by Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice",so I feel that the valuable friendship.Hero Antonio and Bassanio aristocratic youth between the sincere friendship,in the face of the challenges of life and death,their friendship all the more selfless."The Merchant of Venice" and other Shakespeare plays,the performance of his life's passion,the desire of youth.I think this script interesting twists and turns of the plot,filled with a very strong comedy,but also reflects the life of Shakespeare himself in the character of cheerful optimism.There is a drama not only hateful,and people sympathize with the characters - Shylock,a Jew,the loansharking.He mercenary,greedy,but he is also a discrimination against the Jews.Play on behalf of the oppressed section of the Jews that it has been memorable to me:"Are not Jews eyes,no limbs,facial features,no perception,no feelings,no bloody» he is not eating the same food,can be hurt by the same weapons ,Also needs medical treatment,will find winter cold,summer heat will feel that,as with the Christian right »" He was a national issue of the suffering of the aggrieved voice.I prefer that Baoxi Ya,her elegant noble,gentle Duoqing,a high degree of wisdom,wit the courage to participate in a decisive manner,through his own actions prove that women poor man.
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