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Because `I love you learned to give up when you no longer` love `I love you when you have become a burden when the` love is a painful `` Well,I chose to give up `
To give up because you `love` you love because you do not want to see `so you do not love you as` happy `So you do not want to see the inner struggle to endure because of` Love `So you do not want to see you smile just because of love `So you are willing to put your`
When the love thing of the past `why locating hard not` force `well-being of force can only widen the rift` You and I can only deepen the pain you and me if you really want to practice `` I can not answer any of your Went
Have thought you were flying `I shook the hands of Flanagan line where no matter how you fly you are the ultimate` I now finally understand that the attribution of `Love Actually,` `You should not be fettered
Wind back as `let` After all the wind into a `only with memories of my time to water down everything,including` I love your heart
You do not want to see my tears because `you will be afraid of being soft-hearted` But you will not be happy because the `love` So you will not stay strong with tears,`So you put a
Your heart has gone `Why do I have to leave your people` While I look forward to but if ever it is a luxury that `I should have had only once` you `love` this is enough because I love Called `give up`
Not to give up your selfless devotion to give up `This is not only a love for you is` I own you care to give up `` `I am sorry but I will not regret it
You from my life because of `disappeared long it is better to cut short the suffering face when I do` old `dying` `I still will not regret it because ever loved you as love you,` `` I hope you are happy
It has been said that the world will not be eternal love between you and me `` If even short-term love can not exist as open to each other `` I can only blame you were not coming
When you want to `Please do not leave me just tell you,` I `` I love you no longer you go `I must let you go` `will not beg you to stay even hear the voice of their own heart-rending`
When you leave `` Please do not turn back a wrong turn on your `I` injustice to the `do not have to regret
`Love you because you put on because I know that there is a love that was called to give up most of your love
因为'我爱你学会放弃当你不再爱` `我爱你当你已成为一种负担时,'爱情是一个痛苦的``好吧,我选择了放弃`
当爱过去的事情' ,为什么定位很难不'武力'的福祉武力只能扩大的裂痕`你和我只能加深的痛苦你和我,如果你真的想实践``我不能回答任何您的特
你不想看到我的眼泪,因为你会怕软心' ,但你不会感到高兴,因为'爱'所以,你将不会继续保持强大的眼泪,`所以,你把
你的心了`为什么我不得不离开你的人`虽然我期待,但如果以往这是一个豪华的`我应该只有一次'爱你` `这是足够的,因为我喜欢叫'放弃'
不要放弃你的无私奉献,放弃`这不仅是一个爱你的是我照顾你自己放弃`` `我很抱歉但我不会后悔
你从我的生活,因为长期消失`这是更好地缩短面临的苦难时,我不'老'死去' `我依然不会后悔,因为以往任何时候都爱你爱你,`` `我希望你们很高兴
当您想要`请不要离开我只想告诉你,我``我爱你不再你去' ,我必须让你去` `不会乞求你留下听到的声音,自己的心碎`
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