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4.2 如甲方需变更广告材料,须在第4.1条所述期限内将变更后的广告材料提供给乙方,乙方应依照变更后的广告材料,继续依照本合同约定完成甲方广告的发布.如甲方未能在第4.1条所述期限内提供其变更后的广告材料,因此而导致无法按时依照变更后的广告材料发布广告或无法发布,乙方可视实际情况,依照变更后的广告材料延期发布或者仍依照原广告材料按时发布广告,不视为乙方违约,并且乙方不承担由此造成的任何损失.具体约定如下:
4.2 如甲方需变更广告材料,须在第4.1条所述期限内将变更后的广告材料提供给乙方,乙方应依照变更后的广告材料,继续依照本合同约定完成甲方广告的发布.如甲方未能在第4.1条所述期限内提供其变更后的广告材料,因此而导致无法按时依照变更后的广告材料发布广告或无法发布,乙方可视实际情况,依照变更后的广告材料延期发布或者仍依照原广告材料按时发布广告,不视为乙方违约,并且乙方不承担由此造成的任何损失.具体约定如下:
Fourth,the rights and obligations of both sides
4.1 The owner must be at least 10 working days in advance will be provided to the B advertising material,advertising material for the simulation of Betacom format or DVD.The owner of the above-mentioned period for advertising material,resulting in their advertising can not be released or not released on schedule,the default is not considered B,and B does not bear any resulting losses can be deferred advertising B,A would have to pay accrue from the media (under this contract,"the media accrue," refers to this contract and its annexes of the agreement advertising section 1) to the actual release date between the cost of advertising.
4.2 If the owner to change advertising material to in paragraph 4.1 will be referred to the period after the change of advertising material provided to B,B should be changed in accordance with the advertising material,in accordance with the contractual agreement to complete the release of the owner advertising .If the owner can not be described in section 4.1 of the period after the change to provide its advertising material,which resulted in no change in the time after the publication of advertisements or advertising material can not be published,B visualization actual situation,in accordance with the change in advertising Extension materials are in accordance with the original release,or advertising material on time advertising,not to be regarded as non-B,and B does not bear any losses caused by.Specific agreement are as follows:
A) If B can be changed scheduled advertising scheduling,B,in accordance with the change in the advertising material delays.
B) If B can not change the original Advertising waiting,B still advertising material on time in accordance with the original advertisement
4.1 The owner must be at least 10 working days in advance will be provided to the B advertising material,advertising material for the simulation of Betacom format or DVD.The owner of the above-mentioned period for advertising material,resulting in their advertising can not be released or not released on schedule,the default is not considered B,and B does not bear any resulting losses can be deferred advertising B,A would have to pay accrue from the media (under this contract,"the media accrue," refers to this contract and its annexes of the agreement advertising section 1) to the actual release date between the cost of advertising.
4.2 If the owner to change advertising material to in paragraph 4.1 will be referred to the period after the change of advertising material provided to B,B should be changed in accordance with the advertising material,in accordance with the contractual agreement to complete the release of the owner advertising .If the owner can not be described in section 4.1 of the period after the change to provide its advertising material,which resulted in no change in the time after the publication of advertisements or advertising material can not be published,B visualization actual situation,in accordance with the change in advertising Extension materials are in accordance with the original release,or advertising material on time advertising,not to be regarded as non-B,and B does not bear any losses caused by.Specific agreement are as follows:
A) If B can be changed scheduled advertising scheduling,B,in accordance with the change in the advertising material delays.
B) If B can not change the original Advertising waiting,B still advertising material on time in accordance with the original advertisement
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