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假设你的家乡最近抓获了一些倒卖文物的小贩 他们将一些珍贵的国家文物卖给了外国人。请根据下列提示并结合自己的看法写一篇80-100词的英文短文向某英文报社投稿。


1.众所周知,我们的祖国拥有许多文化遗产, 它们展示着祖先的智慧,我们因自己是中国人而自豪。毫无疑问文化遗产是我们的瑰宝。


参考词汇:智慧wisdom 祖先ancestor 复制 reproduce







Recently the police in my hometown have caught some people who sold valuable cultural relics to foreigners.
    As we all know there are a large number of cultural relics in our homeland. They show us the wisdom of our ancestors and we feel proud of being Chinese. There is no doubt that they are our treasures. 

Cultural relics can help us get a better understanding of Chinese history and culture. They play an important role in our life. What’s more they can not be reproduced. So we should make every effort to protect them.   

In my opinion all the cultural relics belong to the whole nation rather than just one person or a certain group. It is against the law to sell or buy cultural relics. Measures must be taken to prevent such things from happening again.