早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Children in America like Hallooween very much.In the evening on October 31st,they puton special clothes. Sometimes they dress like witches (巫婆)and ghost(鬼怪). Sometimes they dress like kings(国王) and queens(王后).They go to their neighbor's house and knock at the door. The neighbor(邻居) opens the door.The children say,"Trick or treat".The neighbor gives them chocolate or some fruit.Sometimes people don't give the children any food.Then the children play a trick on them.They put soap(肥皂) on their windows.Chindren like this special day. 问题:(1).Who like Halloween very much?
(1)When do they put on special clothes?(3)What do the neighbors give the children?(4)Where do they put soap?(5)Do the children dress like kings or queens?
(1)Children like Halloween very much.
(2)In the evening on October 31st,they puton special clothes.
(3)The neighbor gives them chocolate or some fruit.
(4)They put soap on their windows.
(5)Yes,they do.
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