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 甲方提供 壹辆供乙方使用,车号为 ;
 车号为 ;颜色:年 月 日 至 年 月 日,每月租金为人民币 整.
1、 支付方式为甲方于每月15日之前将正式租赁发票及燃油费发票等送交乙方.乙方应先付车辆租金等费用.驾驶员上月发生的加班费用每月底付清..
2、 租赁期内车辆每月限行驶5000公里,原则上不允许甲方在乙方工作时间以外使用车辆,如有特殊情况需提前通知乙方,且不得影响乙方的正常用车.
3、 租赁期超出额定公里,每超一公里增收1元,每月行驶公里不足可行驶的公里数,剩余公里数可累积到下月公里数上.
4、 在租赁期内的油费,过路费,停车费由乙方承担.
⑴ 周一至周六加班按10元/小时支付超时工作费.
⑴ 周日加班按12元/小时支付超时工作费.
⑵ 国家法定节假日(元旦、春节、清明、五一、端午、中秋、国庆)加班按15元/小时支付超时工作费.
可以啊,:Car rental agreement
Rental side (the Party):Qingdao Sifang District Yi-Jia car rental firms
The lessee (hereinafter referred to Party B):
A and B both sides by friendly consultations,the car rental of the agreement and agreed as follows:
 Party A Party B provides for the use of available vehicles,for the Train;
Second,the rental period:
 To Train; Color:Date to Date,the monthly rent for the entire yuan.
Third,the rent calculation and payment method
1,methods of payment for the Party on the 15th of each month before the formal lease invoices and fuel costs,such as the invoice sent to the B.B should be prepaid rental of vehicles and other costs.Last month,the driver of the end of each pay overtime expenses..
2,the monthly lease term limit of vehicles travelling 5,000 km,in principle,allows Party A Party B in the use of vehicles outside working hours,if special circumstances required advance notice Party B,Party B and shall not affect the normal car.
3,rated kilometres beyond the lease period,each one kilometer ultra-income one yuan,less than a month will be travelling kilometres kilometers,the remaining few kilometres can be accumulated to a few kilometres on the next month.
4,the lease term oil costs,the tolls and parking fees from B commitment.
Fourth,the pilot work of Party A to provide standards
1.Party to provide competent drivers work six days a week (Monday to Friday),on working hours for nine hours.
⑴ Monday to Saturday overtime by 10 yuan / hour to pay for overtime work.
⑴ Sunday overtime by 12 yuan / hour to pay for overtime work.
⑵ national holidays (New Year's Day,New Year,Tomb Sweeping Festival,May 1,Dragon Boat Festival,Mid-Autumn Festival,National Day) to work overtime at 15 yuan / hour to pay for overtime work.
2.Pilots to work overtime hours from B to review and confirm with the Party,after a month on the 30th before the driver last month,with oil for overtime paid to the Party.
3.Normal working days B does not provide the driver accommodation,such as for Party A Party B to provide long-distance car driver (in the field accommodation),the driver responsible for board and lodging from B to resolve (the other:subject to long-distance costs).
4.Party pilots do a good job in daily traffic records.
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