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2,the group regularly clean,so please keep active,actively participate in group discussions.
3,group discussion is not forced to use English,but encourage you to try to use English,improve the level of Chinese chat,please whisper.
4,in the group discussion of political and other illegal topics,will be kicked out of.
5,for the language,make trouble out of nothing,spread rumours to create trouble,vicious personal attacks content found out group,harm the group unity atmosphere of the play.
6,within the group refused to any kind of advertising,group purchase,free courses,voting etc as long as not to group the theme topic,are regarded as advertising,depending on the seriousness of the case,the reminder or kicked out of processing.
7,this group is established in order to activities,so please try to actively participate in the activities,not to participate in activities,may also be cleared out group.
8,to the group or you have any questions,can consult online the group manager.
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