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How we look at the high income of sports and entertainment celebrities?
In recent years,the high income of some domestic sports and entertainment celebrities has aroused widespread concerns and discussions in the society.Is it proper for them to earn so much money?
In my point of view,it’s nothing wrong that some individuals or the people engaged in certain occupations have a decent income.The income someone gets is responsive to what he does,how hard he works,and how he responds to pressures.Actually,these concerns and discussions are not primarily on how many figures there are on their paychecks,but mainly on how much efforts they have put in to the society to deserve it and on how they use it.
From my perspective,we should allow the existence of such group of people.At the same time,it’s the responsibility of the society to help them establish the proper view of value by encouraging them to attend philanthropic activities,making donations.In this way,not only the broader mass of the people can benefit from their donations,but also can they themselves benefit from the attention from the public which will encourage them to work harder and harder.
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