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前两天收到一封信调查信来自seller-performance@amazon.com Hello from Amazon.Your account review has not yet been completed.To assist us with our review,please provide us with the following information,as applicable:- How long you've been in business- The sources of your inventory- Anticipated monthly sales on Amazon- The availability of items for shipping- The address of any retail locations- Links to other websites where you are actively selling- Dun and Bradstreet (D-U-N-S) Number- Tracking information for recently shipped orders然后今天帐户就被封掉了,联系了亚马逊的客服,它们说只能找seller performance 部门沟通,而且只能是邮件沟通.请各位大侠支招啊.这封信应该怎么回,特别是那个DUNS Number我们又不是大企业去哪搞这个码啊.求教各位大侠了,急.
这封是关于AMAZON说我跟卖的产品侵权被屏蔽掉的邮件,几个小时后帐号就进不去了.We are writing to let you know a number of your listings have been cancelled.Please see the list below our signature for specific ASINs.We took this action because the items may be in violation of our Policies which prohibits the sale of unauthorized replicas of trademarked merchandise.As stated in our Policies,the sale of unauthorized replicas,pirated,counterfeit,and knock-off merchandise is not permitted on Amazon.com.To avoid the blocking of your selling account,please refrain from selling replica merchandise on our site.If you have questions about this removal,please contact the rights holder at:
看了 求教各位大侠了,帐号可能被封...的网友还看了以下:

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经理有四封信先后交给打字员,要求打字员总是先打最近接到的信.比如,正打第3封信时第4封信到了,应立  2020-05-23 …

求教各位大侠了,帐号可能被封了,急.前两天收到一封信调查信来自seller-performance  2020-06-25 …

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英语翻译第一百封信有位小伙子爱上了一位美丽的姑娘.他壮着胆子给姑娘写了一封求爱信.没几天她给他回了一  2020-11-02 …

2个相同的信封随机地往4个邮箱里投,这2个信封投到任一邮箱的概率都是相同的,且每个邮箱都可以得装下任  2020-11-03 …

总务处和教务处各领了同样数量的信封和信纸,总务处一封信只用一张信纸,教务处一封信用三张信纸.结果,总  2020-12-02 …

请各位帮忙翻译冷柜各种配件,万分感谢!收到一封国外信函,要求报各个配件的价格请亲帮忙将以下配件名称翻  2020-12-06 …

初中英语作文,求职信!!!!各位大哥大姐,帮帮忙吧!!!!要求是:中学生Mike打算到teenage  2020-12-29 …

\替李明写一封求职信英文的信内容:1.看到昨天中国日报的招聘英语助教的广告,你想申请这份工作.2.替  2021-02-01 …