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新托福成绩单上YOUR PERFORMANCE得高分的评语是怎么写的
有谁考过新托福 给我找下听说读写得高分的评语 英文的
好像OG上有 谁帮我找找
有谁考过新托福 给我找下听说读写得高分的评语 英文的
好像OG上有 谁帮我找找
阅读 和 听力 部分 是固定的评语.
Reading Skills Level Your Performance
Reading High(22-30) Test takers who receive a score at the HIGH level,as you did,typically understand academic texts in English that require a wide range of reading abilities regardless of the difficulty of the texts.
Test takers who score at the HIGH level,typically
have a very good command of academic vocabulary and grammatical structure;
can understand and connect information,make appropriate inferences,and synthesize ideas,even when the text is conceptually dense and the language is complex;
can recognize the expository organization of a text and the role that specific information serves within the larger text,even when the text is conceptually dense; and
can abstract major ideas from a text,even when the text is conceptually dense and contains complex language.
Listening Skills Level Your Performance
Listening High(22-30) Test takers who receive a score at the HIGH level,as you did,typically understand conversations and lectures in English that present a wide range of listening demands.These demands can include difficult vocabulary (uncommon terms,or colloquial or figurative language),complex grammatical structures,abstract or complex ideas,and/or making sense of unexpected or seemingly contradictory information.
When listening to lectures and conversations like these,test takers at the HIGH level typically can
understand main ideas and important details,whether they are stated or implied;
distinguish more important ideas from less important ones;
understand how information is being used (for example,to provide evidence for a claim or describe a step in a complex process);
recognize how pieces of information are connected (for example,in a cause-and-effect relationship);
understand many different ways that speakers use language for purposes other than to give information (for example,to emphasize a point,express agreement or disagreement,or convey intentions indirectly); and
synthesize information,even when it is not presented in sequence,and make correct inferences on the basis of that information.
Writing based on knowledge and experience Good(4.0 - 5.0) You responded with a well-organized and developed essay.Weaknesses,if you have any,might have to do with
use of English that is occasionally ungrammatical,unclear,or unidiomatic and/or
elaboration of ideas or connection of ideas that could have been stronger.
Reading Skills Level Your Performance
Reading High(22-30) Test takers who receive a score at the HIGH level,as you did,typically understand academic texts in English that require a wide range of reading abilities regardless of the difficulty of the texts.
Test takers who score at the HIGH level,typically
have a very good command of academic vocabulary and grammatical structure;
can understand and connect information,make appropriate inferences,and synthesize ideas,even when the text is conceptually dense and the language is complex;
can recognize the expository organization of a text and the role that specific information serves within the larger text,even when the text is conceptually dense; and
can abstract major ideas from a text,even when the text is conceptually dense and contains complex language.
Listening Skills Level Your Performance
Listening High(22-30) Test takers who receive a score at the HIGH level,as you did,typically understand conversations and lectures in English that present a wide range of listening demands.These demands can include difficult vocabulary (uncommon terms,or colloquial or figurative language),complex grammatical structures,abstract or complex ideas,and/or making sense of unexpected or seemingly contradictory information.
When listening to lectures and conversations like these,test takers at the HIGH level typically can
understand main ideas and important details,whether they are stated or implied;
distinguish more important ideas from less important ones;
understand how information is being used (for example,to provide evidence for a claim or describe a step in a complex process);
recognize how pieces of information are connected (for example,in a cause-and-effect relationship);
understand many different ways that speakers use language for purposes other than to give information (for example,to emphasize a point,express agreement or disagreement,or convey intentions indirectly); and
synthesize information,even when it is not presented in sequence,and make correct inferences on the basis of that information.
Writing based on knowledge and experience Good(4.0 - 5.0) You responded with a well-organized and developed essay.Weaknesses,if you have any,might have to do with
use of English that is occasionally ungrammatical,unclear,or unidiomatic and/or
elaboration of ideas or connection of ideas that could have been stronger.
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