早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I wanna be the one you always can rely on
Be the one to hold you through the night storm
Be the gentleman that you need no matter how long
I"m a fight until free
find our freedom from defeat
I wanna honor who you are,not tryna" play on
See the other guys you relied on
They broke your heart but it grew strong
We can be the perfect love song
and watch the skies fall
Wake up in the morning from the night"s calm
And see the sunrise while we stay tall
Perfect intuition,you"re my angel one I visioned
that I always could envision
To be wifey for my children cuz together we can fly
Forever you and I on this mission
That we call love that define all the wishes
Yea I"m a gentleman for life
Always need for a wife
In this cold world,in this cold world
I"ll be the one to catch you
when you"re falling from the sky
I"ll be the one to hold you baby
together we can fly
Baby let"s fly,baby you and I
Baby hold on we can make it in time
Baby let"s fly,baby you and I
Baby hold on we can make it in time
I never told you how I love you
kept my heart on the other side
Looking for a safer ride,easier to say goodbye
So bad when I want it but front when I lose it
So I turn to the music
And you turn to your phone
and you wish what we had
will remain in our home
from the names we were call
Never was a gentleman
making scenes at the mall
Yea just for the little things
always was so ignorant
Never thought the love
that you bring was the best for me
And you the smarter me
I"m the loser in this tragedy
In the ugly side,gently blinded me
No romeo inside of me,to begin with be proud
In my head would be time patient through the fights
On this stage we call life,we can glide you and I
Complicated from the start,so we aiming for the stars
Start with the sentiment,I"m a gentleman
I"ll be the one to catch you
when you"re falling from the sky
I"ll be the one to hold you baby
together we can fly
Baby let"s fly,baby you and I
Baby hold on we can make it in time
Baby let"s fly,baby you and I
Baby hold on we can make it in time
I wanna be the one you always can rely on
Be the one to hold you through the night storm
Be the gentleman that you need no matter how long
I"m a fight until free
find our freedom from defeat
I wanna honor who you are,not tryna" play on
See the other guys you relied on
They broke your heart but it grew strong
We can be the perfect love song
and watch the skies fall
Wake up in the morning from the night"s calm
And see the sunrise while we stay tall
Perfect intuition,you"re my angel one I visioned
that I always could envision
To be wifey for my children cuz together we can fly
Forever you and I on this mission
That we call love that define all the wishes
Yea I"m a gentleman for life
Always need for a wife
In this cold world,in this cold world
I"ll be the one to catch you
when you"re falling from the sky
I"ll be the one to hold you baby
together we can fly
Baby let"s fly,baby you and I
Baby hold on we can make it in time
Baby let"s fly,baby you and I
Baby hold on we can make it in time
I never told you how I love you
kept my heart on the other side
Looking for a safer ride,easier to say goodbye
So bad when I want it but front when I lose it
So I turn to the music
And you turn to your phone
and you wish what we had
will remain in our home
from the names we were call
Never was a gentleman
making scenes at the mall
Yea just for the little things
always was so ignorant
Never thought the love
that you bring was the best for me
And you the smarter me
I"m the loser in this tragedy
In the ugly side,gently blinded me
No romeo inside of me,to begin with be proud
In my head would be time patient through the fights
On this stage we call life,we can glide you and I
Complicated from the start,so we aiming for the stars
Start with the sentiment,I"m a gentleman
I"ll be the one to catch you
when you"re falling from the sky
I"ll be the one to hold you baby
together we can fly
Baby let"s fly,baby you and I
Baby hold on we can make it in time
Baby let"s fly,baby you and I
Baby hold on we can make it in time
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