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In modern society,we should learn to share,Sharing is an effective way to enrich your life.
请你结合校园生活中的一个事例,就分享着一话题 ,用英语写一篇短文.
Every morning,when the golden morning light just on campus,when the breeze gently hold fishes catkins; when the sun it quietly put on the glorious golden in some handsome cherry trees on the time; when the beauty of the petals in the air for several long to roll,then gently fall time,we are happy to enjoy the campus life in full bloom.
We love the classroom,when the teacher valiant heroic appeared in three feet of the podium when,our hearts with the teacher in the sea of knowledge,in a different world to feel fresh sunshine,to enjoy the exotic amorous feelings,with a long and minute statement how to experience.
We like to break,like that can let us freely in ten minutes.We chat to promote friendship,add the precious wealth of the soul; we discuss the problem to improve each other,let oneself more substantial and wise.Some fall back on the railing,lean on a railing overlooking; some gathered in the corridor,talk cheerfully and humorously; some sitting in the playground,bathed in sunshine,enjoy the beautiful golden years.
My campus life,such as the breeze,such as rain,in my heart of a spring rain ...
My campus life like a babbling brook,flowing with it happily,always appearing one after another glittering spray.Spring is the head,head is autumn,painting is the full moon,moon is poetry.My campus life in the years of silence interspersed with a piece of my life picture,make my way of life with joy and full.
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