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The financial crisis and spread from several aspects,for our foreign trade import and export produces serious influence.The international economic and environmental degradation,further influence our external demand,the developed countries could increase according to our protectionist measures.Since 2008,Chinese exports,including external multiple pressures overall remain stable growth,has shown strong endurance,good in most other economies.But on the other hand,also should see actual export far below the global financial crisis,the name of exports to China's export upgrade the risks facing substantially,and will also affect consumption and investment,endanger national economic stability.While China will import of crisis.International cargo mostly in dollars to settle accounts.While China is on expanding domestic demand,improving the people's livelihood,strengthen infrastructure.These goods are imported,"a weak dollar" will increase the cost of our imports.Finally,the response to the crisis,should choose the basis of stimulating domestic demand and the direction,adjusting and optimizing the structure of foreign investment,promote economic development demand entities of financial reform and financial innovation,so as to support and guide the entity economy development.
Key words:the financial crisis,the foreign trade import and export,dependence,and policy recommendations
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