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Some assert that all categories of education should be free to all people. Various discords have arisen over that statement . Personally I disagree with it
The first point about this statement is that whether or not all education should be free . As we know, many countries worldwide have a Compulsory Education policy and the contents are various in different countries . Some may be free in both primary and secondary education, like China while some are only free in primary school. Residents have a right to acquire knowledge . However, it is impossible to be free in every stage . No charges during the period of primary and secondary education is a good way to boost the level of literacy, which promotes the development of society. Schools and government should ensure that there are enough facilities and staff available to fulfill this policy . Further education , however , is another thing. Firstly, it is unrealistic to be free in further education as it allows a great deal of expenditure. I doubt that if all the governments have enough revenue to support it . Furthermore, different counties have different social ,economical and political systems , and whether education is free should be determined by their own situation .
The second point : is it available to be free to everyone and governments pay it all? Governments have the obligations that let the citizens get right of education and it is reasonable for governments to pay for some parts of education fees, especially to those needy ones . But, residents ,who live in this society , have different statues and the amount of salary they gain is obviously distinct. Therefore, being free to everyone is unjust and will ruin the balance of society. For those wealthy ones, they can support themselves while for poor people, getting help from others( social funs, donation, free education ) is realistic .
Overall, if we study this statement carefully, we will find that there are some unreasonable points . Whether education should be free to everyone is based on the specific situation.
题目:有些人认为所有的教育(包括小学、中学、大学)都应该对所有人免费,而政府承担所有费用,你多大程度上赞成?Some assert that all categories of education should be free to all people. Various discords ...
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