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故事梗概:《绿野仙踪》以虚构的奥兹国为背景,讲述了美国堪萨斯州的小姑娘多萝茜被龙卷风卷到了一个叫满地金的地方,善良的北方魔女告诉她到翡翠城去找奥兹大王帮忙送她回到堪萨斯大草原.路上,她先后遇到了稻草人-----他需要一个脑子;铁皮樵夫-----他需要一颗心;胆小狮-----他需要勇气.他们结伴而行,互相鼓励、互相帮助,克服了一个又一个困难,终于来到了翡翠城.由于他们的表现非常的出色,奥兹大王原来也是一个美国人,帮助他们实现稻草人、铁皮樵夫和胆小狮的愿望,稻草人得到了一个脑子,而且当上了奥兹国的国王;铁皮樵夫得到了一颗心,成为了威奇国的国王;胆小狮得到了勇气当上了一个原始森林的森林之王,奥兹大王最后自己回到了家乡,却把多萝茜留下了,最终南方魔女甘霖达帮助多萝茜实现了愿望,带着小狗托托回到了家乡,回到了堪萨斯大草原.Dorothy is an orphan raised by her Uncle Henry and Aunt Em in the bleak landscape of a Kansas farm.One day she is caught up in a tornado and deposited in the Land of Oz.The falling house kills the evil ruler of the Munchkins,the Wicked Witch of the East.The Good Witch of the North comes with the Munchkins to greet Dorothy and gives Dorothy the silver shoes (believed to have magical properties) that the Wicked Witch had been wearing when she was killed.In order to return to Kansas,the Good Witch of the North tells Dorothy that she will have to go to the "Emerald City" or "City of Emeralds" and ask the Wizard of Oz to help her.On her way down the yellow brick road,Dorothy frees the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman,and encourages them and the Cowardly Lion to journey with her to the Emerald City.The Scarecrow wants to get a brain,the Tin Woodman a heart,and the Cowardly Lion,courage.Together,they overcome obstacles on the way including narrow pieces of the yellow brick road,Kalidahs,a river,and the Deadly Poppies.With regard to their excellent performance,the Wizard provides the Scarecrowand the Cowardly Lion with a head full of bran,pins,and needles,a silk heart stuffed with sawdust,and a potion of "courage",respectively.Revealing himself to the people of the Emerald City one last time,the Wizard appoints the Scarecrow,by virtue of his brains,to rule in his stead.Dorothy chases Toto after he runs after a kitten in the crowd,and before she can make it back to the balloon,the ropes break,leaving the Wizard to rise and float away alone.
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