早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1我们可以保证每年100万美元的营业额]2考虑到这是1种新产品,为了开拓市场,我们可以给你浮动折扣3脱胎漆器无论是形状,样式,夜色,光泽,都那么高雅大方此外还轻便耐久4我们从不怀疑你们的付款倡议但商界的兴衰有时是人力无法控制的,因此我们不能冒险5这是我的底价了,我不能把我们的女式衬衫卖得低于它们的真正价值6关于我们的财经状况信用声誉可向中国银行了解7正如你所看到的,这种玫瑰和心行的团会给任何宴会增添愉快欢乐的气氛8坦白的说,已经有其他的客户已更高的价格向我们订货如果不是考虑到我们长期的业务关系我们也不会以这个价钱向你方报实盘9商品质量好,才能不断有销路10作为我们的老客户,您应该很清楚我们产品的质量上乘而且我们的报价是与世界市场的现行价格相一致的11我建议你把订单的数量消减一半怎么样12我们的回样将于本周末寄给你13为了适应世界市场的激烈竞争的需要我们的包装手段也在不断改进14恐怕这些香烟得付税因为超过了限额而且这种货物应付税15.我们的虎牌商标已经被大多数海外顾客所接受而且在世界市场站稳脚跟16你知道,备货制单预定舱位 所有这一切都得花时间你不能指望我们1个月内装运17有太多的因素可能导致货物错过原定的发运时间our buyers are rather discriminating.trial salesale positionas you are awaresilk scarves by the wayMelbourne gift fairmanufacture materialswe want to make the most of our last day .can you recommend a good tour guide?airmail the cataloguessample book and all necessary information about the chipsas you always lay stress on maintaining your commercial integrityshortage risk risk of breakage
1我们可以保证每年100万美元的营业额]2考虑到这是1种新产品,为了开拓市场,我们可以给你浮动折扣3脱胎漆器无论是形状,样式,夜色,光泽,都那么高雅大方此外还轻便耐久4我们从不怀疑你们的付款倡议但商界的兴衰有时是人力无法控制的,因此我们不能冒险5这是我的底价了,我不能把我们的女式衬衫卖得低于它们的真正价值6关于我们的财经状况信用声誉可向中国银行了解7正如你所看到的,这种玫瑰和心行的团会给任何宴会增添愉快欢乐的气氛8坦白的说,已经有其他的客户已更高的价格向我们订货如果不是考虑到我们长期的业务关系我们也不会以这个价钱向你方报实盘9商品质量好,才能不断有销路10作为我们的老客户,您应该很清楚我们产品的质量上乘而且我们的报价是与世界市场的现行价格相一致的11我建议你把订单的数量消减一半怎么样12我们的回样将于本周末寄给你13为了适应世界市场的激烈竞争的需要我们的包装手段也在不断改进14恐怕这些香烟得付税因为超过了限额而且这种货物应付税15.我们的虎牌商标已经被大多数海外顾客所接受而且在世界市场站稳脚跟16你知道,备货制单预定舱位 所有这一切都得花时间你不能指望我们1个月内装运17有太多的因素可能导致货物错过原定的发运时间our buyers are rather discriminating.trial salesale positionas you are awaresilk scarves by the wayMelbourne gift fairmanufacture materialswe want to make the most of our last day .can you recommend a good tour guide?airmail the cataloguessample book and all necessary information about the chipsas you always lay stress on maintaining your commercial integrityshortage risk risk of breakage
1.We can aussure you one million dollars of turnover per year.
2.Considering it is a new product ,in order to exploit market, we can give you a floating discount.
3.No matter in shape,style,color or gloss, bodiless lacquerware is so elegant , light and durable.
4.We never suspect your payment term suggestion ,but sometimes the rise and fall of business is not under people's control, so we can't run a risk.
5.This is our bottom price ,we can't sell our blouses below their real value.
6.Regarding to our finanical status,you can learn from the bank of China.
7.As you can see, this combination of rose and heart-shape can add happy atmosphere to any banquet.
8.To be frank, there is another customer placing an order with a higher price , if not considering our long-term business relationship, we will not quote you this firm offer.
9. Good quality ensures continued sales.
10.As our old customer, you should know that our products have superior quality and the price is in line with the world market.
11.How about cutting down half of your order?
12.Our counter sample will send to you at this weekend .
13.In order to adapt to the strong competition in the world market, our packaging is changing.
14.I am afraid that these cigarettes have to pay the duty because they exceed the limit and cigarette should pay duty.
15.Our tiger brand has been accepted by most overseas customers and standed firm in the world market.
16.You see, prepare goods and documents , reserve shipping space ,all of these need time, you can’t expect us to ship under one month.
17.There are too many factors can lead to missing the original shipping time.
our buyers are rather discriminating我们的客户是很有差别的.
can you recommend a good tour guide?你可以给我推荐一名好的导游吗?
2.Considering it is a new product ,in order to exploit market, we can give you a floating discount.
3.No matter in shape,style,color or gloss, bodiless lacquerware is so elegant , light and durable.
4.We never suspect your payment term suggestion ,but sometimes the rise and fall of business is not under people's control, so we can't run a risk.
5.This is our bottom price ,we can't sell our blouses below their real value.
6.Regarding to our finanical status,you can learn from the bank of China.
7.As you can see, this combination of rose and heart-shape can add happy atmosphere to any banquet.
8.To be frank, there is another customer placing an order with a higher price , if not considering our long-term business relationship, we will not quote you this firm offer.
9. Good quality ensures continued sales.
10.As our old customer, you should know that our products have superior quality and the price is in line with the world market.
11.How about cutting down half of your order?
12.Our counter sample will send to you at this weekend .
13.In order to adapt to the strong competition in the world market, our packaging is changing.
14.I am afraid that these cigarettes have to pay the duty because they exceed the limit and cigarette should pay duty.
15.Our tiger brand has been accepted by most overseas customers and standed firm in the world market.
16.You see, prepare goods and documents , reserve shipping space ,all of these need time, you can’t expect us to ship under one month.
17.There are too many factors can lead to missing the original shipping time.
our buyers are rather discriminating我们的客户是很有差别的.
can you recommend a good tour guide?你可以给我推荐一名好的导游吗?
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