早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
12月12日,2008年12月12日我将永远的记住这一天。因为正式这一天让我很感到尴尬,万万没想到今天我会如此狼狈不堪。这个夜晚我趟着,但我无法入睡,第一次体会到黑夜原来如此漫长。我听到小孩子大的哭声,多恐怖,我感到黑安原来非我莫属。我跟她之间虽然没有什么影像特别深刻的回忆,原来我如此的在意她,中午我在走路,脑子一片空白,脚步如此的沉重,让我惊讶的是,我竟然会碰到她。无意间看了她 一眼,但我连头都不敢抬,感觉好象心都醉了,好爽…我不知道以后怎么对待他,我想这一切已经结束了,多快乐的一段时期!女孩,请记住,我真的爱过你!
12月12日,2008年12月12日我将永远的记住这一天。因为正式这一天让我很感到尴尬,万万没想到今天我会如此狼狈不堪。这个夜晚我趟着,但我无法入睡,第一次体会到黑夜原来如此漫长。我听到小孩子大的哭声,多恐怖,我感到黑安原来非我莫属。我跟她之间虽然没有什么影像特别深刻的回忆,原来我如此的在意她,中午我在走路,脑子一片空白,脚步如此的沉重,让我惊讶的是,我竟然会碰到她。无意间看了她 一眼,但我连头都不敢抬,感觉好象心都醉了,好爽…我不知道以后怎么对待他,我想这一切已经结束了,多快乐的一段时期!女孩,请记住,我真的爱过你!
December 12th,2008 December 12th is the day that I will always remember.Because this is the day that I officially feel awkward,and without the slightest anticipation I never knew that I'd be doomed for this kind of situation.This night,I lay there,but I could not sleep,first time I felt that the night could be this long.I heard the cries of children,how creepy it is,and I realized that the night belonged to me.Althought there wasn't much specific memories between me and her,but I realized that I really do care a lot about her.At noon I was walking,had a blank mind,and my footsteps were heavy,but surprisingly,I ran into her.I glanced at her subconsciously,but I didn't dare raise my head,I felt as if I were drunk,it felt so good...I didn't know how to face her from now on,I thought maybe it is all over now,what a happy time of my life!Girl,please remember,I really did love you!
December 12th,2008 December 12th is the day that I will always remember.Because this is the day that I officially feel awkward,and without the slightest anticipation I never knew that I'd be doomed for this kind of situation.This night,I lay there,but I could not sleep,first time I felt that the night could be this long.I heard the cries of children,how creepy it is,and I realized that the night belonged to me.Althought there wasn't much specific memories between me and her,but I realized that I really do care a lot about her.At noon I was walking,had a blank mind,and my footsteps were heavy,but surprisingly,I ran into her.I glanced at her subconsciously,but I didn't dare raise my head,I felt as if I were drunk,it felt so good...I didn't know how to face her from now on,I thought maybe it is all over now,what a happy time of my life!Girl,please remember,I really did love you!
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