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如果有看过 Of Mice and Men 的人帮我看看
What extent if ‘of Mice and Men’ a novel of protest?
‘Of Mice and Men’ is the novel which reflects the life of migrant workers (someone who was from a country to other country fined work to do),in 1930’s,it also including their treatment,the society systems,racism and the ‘American Dreams’.This novel is written by John Steinbeck in 1937,he was the one who having won a Nobel Prize,and a great writer in the history.‘Of Mice and Men’ is set in 1930’s Soledad,California.This is about condition of the workers,friendship between the 2 main characters.But the focusing on in the essay is PROTEST,it PROTEST must the things in their life.
The relationship (friendship) can be end by age,like Candy and his old dog.Carlson wants to kill that dog,because he’s old,so he made an excuse.“God awmighty,that dog stinks.Get him outta here,Candy!I don’t know nothing that stinks as bad as a old dog.You gotta get him out”.“He’s all stiff with rheumatism.He ain’t no good to you,Candy.An’ he ain’t no good to himself.Why’n’t you shoot him,Candy?” Candy can’t save the dog’s life,because he haven’t got any power in the ranch,Slim agree with Carlson,so he can’t say nothing.When Carlson take the dog out of the bunk house,Candy must be thinking about his treatment,would he been kill because he’s old like the dog?Or would he been kick out the ranch with no money?I think that must be the reason why Candy wants to commits his $350 to George and Lennie’s $600 dream.He don’t want die here,like what Lennie said,there is not a nice place.Candy haven’t got the treatment with respect for old people,he felt that even more after the dog’s death.Candy regrets not killing the dog himself,he said to George,“I ought to have shot that dog myself,George.I shouldn’t ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog.” This is a foreshadowing to Lennie’s death,which is why George chooses to shoot the dog himself.
如果有看过 Of Mice and Men 的人帮我看看
What extent if ‘of Mice and Men’ a novel of protest?
‘Of Mice and Men’ is the novel which reflects the life of migrant workers (someone who was from a country to other country fined work to do),in 1930’s,it also including their treatment,the society systems,racism and the ‘American Dreams’.This novel is written by John Steinbeck in 1937,he was the one who having won a Nobel Prize,and a great writer in the history.‘Of Mice and Men’ is set in 1930’s Soledad,California.This is about condition of the workers,friendship between the 2 main characters.But the focusing on in the essay is PROTEST,it PROTEST must the things in their life.
The relationship (friendship) can be end by age,like Candy and his old dog.Carlson wants to kill that dog,because he’s old,so he made an excuse.“God awmighty,that dog stinks.Get him outta here,Candy!I don’t know nothing that stinks as bad as a old dog.You gotta get him out”.“He’s all stiff with rheumatism.He ain’t no good to you,Candy.An’ he ain’t no good to himself.Why’n’t you shoot him,Candy?” Candy can’t save the dog’s life,because he haven’t got any power in the ranch,Slim agree with Carlson,so he can’t say nothing.When Carlson take the dog out of the bunk house,Candy must be thinking about his treatment,would he been kill because he’s old like the dog?Or would he been kick out the ranch with no money?I think that must be the reason why Candy wants to commits his $350 to George and Lennie’s $600 dream.He don’t want die here,like what Lennie said,there is not a nice place.Candy haven’t got the treatment with respect for old people,he felt that even more after the dog’s death.Candy regrets not killing the dog himself,he said to George,“I ought to have shot that dog myself,George.I shouldn’t ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog.” This is a foreshadowing to Lennie’s death,which is why George chooses to shoot the dog himself.
呵呵,我是美国的,看到你的贴来修改一下你的草稿. 你写的大致很好,但是语法和词藻还可以稍微修改一下. 我以前也看过这本书,看的出来你用心写了,而且分析的很不错.
What extent if ‘of Mice and Men’ a novel of protest?
‘Of Mice and Men’ is the novel which reflects the life of migrant workers (someone who was from a country to other country to search jobs), in 1930’s, it also includes their treatment, the society systems, racism, and the ‘American Dreams’. This novel is written by John Steinbeck in 1937, he was not only a Nobel Prize, but a great writer in the history. ‘Of Mice and Men’ is set in 1930’s in Soledad, California. This book is about thescondition of the workers and the friendship between the two main characters. But the theme of in the essay is PROTEST, it PROTEST must the things in their life.
Age can bring the end of a relationship (friendship), like Candy and his old dog. Carlson wants to kill that dog, because he’s old, so he made an excuse. “God awmighty, that dog stinks. Get him outta here, Candy! I don’t know nothing that stinks as bad as a old dog. You gotta get him out”. “He’s all stiff with rheumatism. He ain’t no good to you, Candy. An’ he ain’t no good to himself. Why’n’t you shoot him, Candy?” Candy can’t save the dog’s life, because he haven’t got any power in the ranch, Slim agree with Carlson, so he can’t say anything. When Carlson take the dog out of the bunk house, Candy must be thinking about his treatment, would he been kill because he’s old like the dog? Or would he been kick out the ranch with no money? I think that must be the reason why Candy wants to commit his $350 to George and Lennie’s $600 dream. He doesn’t want die here, like what Lennie said, there is not a nice place. Candy haven’t got the treatment with respect for old people, he felt that emotionally even more after the dog’s death. Candy regrets not killing the dog himself, he said to George, “I ought to have shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn’t ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog.” This is a foreshadowing to Lennie’s death, which is why George chooses to shoot the dog himself.
What extent if ‘of Mice and Men’ a novel of protest?
‘Of Mice and Men’ is the novel which reflects the life of migrant workers (someone who was from a country to other country to search jobs), in 1930’s, it also includes their treatment, the society systems, racism, and the ‘American Dreams’. This novel is written by John Steinbeck in 1937, he was not only a Nobel Prize, but a great writer in the history. ‘Of Mice and Men’ is set in 1930’s in Soledad, California. This book is about thescondition of the workers and the friendship between the two main characters. But the theme of in the essay is PROTEST, it PROTEST must the things in their life.
Age can bring the end of a relationship (friendship), like Candy and his old dog. Carlson wants to kill that dog, because he’s old, so he made an excuse. “God awmighty, that dog stinks. Get him outta here, Candy! I don’t know nothing that stinks as bad as a old dog. You gotta get him out”. “He’s all stiff with rheumatism. He ain’t no good to you, Candy. An’ he ain’t no good to himself. Why’n’t you shoot him, Candy?” Candy can’t save the dog’s life, because he haven’t got any power in the ranch, Slim agree with Carlson, so he can’t say anything. When Carlson take the dog out of the bunk house, Candy must be thinking about his treatment, would he been kill because he’s old like the dog? Or would he been kick out the ranch with no money? I think that must be the reason why Candy wants to commit his $350 to George and Lennie’s $600 dream. He doesn’t want die here, like what Lennie said, there is not a nice place. Candy haven’t got the treatment with respect for old people, he felt that emotionally even more after the dog’s death. Candy regrets not killing the dog himself, he said to George, “I ought to have shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn’t ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog.” This is a foreshadowing to Lennie’s death, which is why George chooses to shoot the dog himself.
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