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英语作文 谈谈你对悯农的理解
As we know,humans can't live without food,and we live on rice,wheats or other crops.Everyday we have to eat some food to maintain our body's activity.In other words ,food is of great value to us humans.We should love food and should not waste it.Hower,not all the people realize the importance of this,and some even waste food.Meanwhile the food in the world is not enough,some countries or regions have so less food that their people have to suffer from hunger.What's more,some people die of hunger.It is said about 17000 people in the world lose their lives because of hunger every day,most of them are from Africa,where there is not enough food.What a horrible number.Don't it frighten you?Friends,let's love food,love crops,love rice and wheat.That means loving our own lives.
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