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a.\x05调节调节钢棍使之紧密接触胶辊(rubber cot),待淋膜液正常流出一分钟后打开主电机开关,当淋膜液涂满胶辊后,即可开始正常淋膜.
so the conveyor belt is in tension statebe screwed, so the conveyor belt in tension state. The machine before the use of adjusted the conveyor belt ( station in a first direction of paper, at the same time release on both sides of the handle, the pine to the conveying belt. Then tighten the right handle, left immobile. Until the conveyor belt move, then two quarter circle, basic took place. Such deviation after rectifying roller can play a role, while not against bad belt ). Starting half an hour later, confirm the conveyor belt will not always deviation, in order to properly use the machine, otherwise the resulting conveyor belt damage by the users responsibility!
Open the pump switch, working after two minutes. Pull cover observed liquid outlet has no coating (coating ) liquid outflow.
A. The regulation of steel rods make close contact roller ( rubber cot ), to be the film liquid normal outflow after a minute to open the main motor switch, when the film liquid coated with cots, to start the normal film.
The film to open the B. UV curing machine conveyor motor and the UV switch, and then the paper first leveled put into the board, hands flat advance paper. Standby device automatically into the film will begin after normal film.
Attention: (But the rubber roll and enters between the paper steel roller to be best contacts completely also may have crevice to have to be smaller than paper thickness), between the rubber roll and the adjustment steel roller the close contact can have well like this drenches the membrane effect.(For example drenches when print or chart article output India and thin spot medium must thinner thinner drench film, may left side adjust steel roller anchor screw to screw tight, causes it not to rotate).
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