早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.Paul,Ivan and Neil were three men.Near a new town they met a river.They couldn't swim and there was no bridge over the river.Tom and Sam were young children.They had a small boat.It could only carry two children and a man across the river.How could Tom and Sam help the three men across the river?
2.Amy's birthday is on the first Thursday of January.She adds up all the numbers of the dates about Thursday.The result is 80.Now can you tell us what date her birthday is in this month?
1.Paul,Ivan and Neil were three men.Near a new town they met a river.They couldn't swim and there was no bridge over the river.Tom and Sam were young children.They had a small boat.It could only carry two children and a man across the river.How could Tom and Sam help the three men across the river?
2.Amy's birthday is on the first Thursday of January.She adds up all the numbers of the dates about Thursday.The result is 80.Now can you tell us what date her birthday is in this month?
1. They can carry them one by one.
2. 这个我不想算...
2. 这个我不想算...
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