早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


这是我们选修的内容 各位大哥大姐能帮我做做看吗?我是英文盲.
PartⅠ:Answer the following three questions briefly in English.(30 points)
1:Talk about your understanding of “Tomorrow is another day” in the film Gone with the Wind,and list the names of the hero and herine.(no less than 50 words)
2:Select a classic dialogue from the films that we have watched in this term.(no less than five sentences)
3:How many films have we watched in this term?What are they?
PartⅡ:Finish the following two comments ( write them at least one of them in English)(70 points)
1:Make one comment on the film Forrest Gump.You can comment the film on the whole,or just one of the Characters.( no less than 800 words in Chinese and 300 words in English)
2:Make one comment on one of the other films that we have watched in this term.You can comment the film on the whole,or just one of the Characters.( no less than 800 words in Chinese and 300 words in English)
The Appreciation of the Classical
English films of U.K and U.S.A
1.''Tomorrow is another day",means that no matter what has happend in the past,we should be positive to look ahead.Because if we don't do so,we'll miss more things.We could believe that tomorrow things will get better and be solved.
hero:Rhett Butler heroine:Scarlett O'hara
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