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缺词填空  请根据短文内容,填写所缺单词,每空一词

What will the world of 2045 look like? Do you want to know a  1   that? Six experts have their predictions (预测).   

The experts predict that in 2045 your phone car and computer might read your f 2  . For example when you are typing text into a computer the computer m  3   know about your mood. If you are unhappy your computer might not l  4   you read emails with bad news. W  5   you are driving a car the car might also be a  6   to read your feeling. If the car decides you are angry and driving unsafely it might r  7   you.

These experts also predict that robotic insects (昆虫机器人) will be c  8   in 2045. These flying robots might be able to t  9   air quality (空气质量) give early warnings about gas attacks (毒气袭击) etc. They might also be able to “talk” with r  10   insects. How cool!


1. about  2. feelings 3. might/may 4. let       5. While/When 

6. able     7. remind 8. created     9. test 10. real

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