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1.As eleplants age,they continue to grow larger,___do their much wanted tusks.
A as B even 为什么选A呢 as 在这里是“正如”的意思吗?
2.Children get fat because they don't move,and___,they dont' move beacuse they are fat.
A eventually B besides感觉理解为“除此之外”也可以说得通啊
3.For the TV producers,reality TV is a dream come true beacuse many of the programs cost nothing ______.
A to be made B to make 为什么是选B 这句话本来不是应该是It cost noting to make the programs
4.Tom has been writing letters all afternoon,but he should have finished them by now,
A hasn't he?B shouldn't him A是不是当有两个并列句时,反义疑问句要根据第一句来定?
4.Tom has been writing letters all afternoon,but he should have finished them by now,
A hasn't he?B shouldn't him 答案是 A是不是当有两个并列句时,反义疑问句要根据第一句来定?
答:这是一个并列句,but是并列连词,前一并列分句是:Tom has been writing letters all afternoon
后一并列分句是一个反意疑问句:he should have finished them by now,
后一分句中,前面的陈述句中有情态动词should,是肯定的,所以后面用shouldn't he?正确答案应该是C或D.
在回答你第三题之前,我首先要搞清这个reality TV是什么东东,还有这个:is a dream come true 的句法结构.
结果发现,本题句源于高考《2006年全国统一考试英语江苏卷 》阅读理B之第二段首句:
The first reality TV show in the world was called Expedition Robinson and it was shown in Sweden in 1997 .Half the population of the country watched the final event and a new kind of TV program was born .Two years later in Holland ,the first series of Big Brother was filmed.Again ,it was a great success and the final program was watched by 15 million people .Now more than 20 countries around the world have Big Brother or Expedition Robinson on their TV screens .The ordinary people who take part in the programs are known by millions of people in their own countries and reality TV has become big ,big business .
For the TV producers ,reality TV is a dream come true because many of the programs cost nothing to make .At some point ,the television viewers (观众) are asked to telephone the program to vote or to apply to take part in the show .It is the cost of these telephone calls that pays for the shows .One of the most popular shows is Pop Idol.In the show,a group of attractive young people are made into pop stars.TV viewers vote for their favorite person on the show.The winner makes a record and millions of copies of the record are sold .His or her pictures are published on the covers of magazines or on the front pages of newspapers ,and then ,they are quickly forgotten .
But not everyone is happy about reality TV.In Portugal ,two TV channels got into trouble because they showed too much of the personal lives of the people in the shows .In France ,reality TV is called “rubbish TV ” and the TV studios of Big Brother were attacked three times in one week .In Greece ,Big Brother was described as “against human rights and civilization”.
《Big Brother》是一台劲爆的真人秀节目,一群陌生人将住进一间布满了摄像机及麦克风的屋子,他们一周7天,一天24小时,所有的一举一动都将被记录下来放到银幕上.选手们在三个月的比赛时间里将互相投票,决定对方的去留.最终留下来的人将赢得大奖.
《a dream come true》 作为一个歌曲名,现已经成为一个词组,不再对其中的结构进行分析(如分析,则不合语法,如同Long time no see)
最后回答:sth.costs nothing to do.是一个句型,语法上叫主动表被动.不定式与主语在逻辑上有动宾关系.类似的句型:sth.is interesting to do.The nut is hard to crack.
To do sth.costs nothing.
To do sth.is interesting.
To crack the nut is hard.