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短文:A young man's father died,and he left him a lot of money.But the son was a foolish man.He quickly spent all the money,and soon had nothing.Then all his friends left him.He was very poor and lonely.So he went to see a kind and clever old man-Tom."I have no money and no friends,"said the young man."Don't worry,young man,"said Tom,"Everything will soon be all right again.Wait and you will feel much happier."The young man was very happy."Am I going to get rich again?"he asked Tom."No,I didn't mean that,"said Tom."I meant you would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends."
1、What did the young man's father leave him?
2、Will the young man be happy again?
3、What did Tom's words mean?
1、What did the young man's father leave him?
His father left him a lot of money.(他父亲给他留下很多钱.)
2、Will the young man be happy again?
Yes, he will.(他会又重新开心起来的.)
3、What did Tom's words mean?
He meant the young man would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends.