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图表理解  阅读下列图表,从每题所给的ABC三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。

Smart Kids Club

Fridays & Sundays

5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

In the school library

For age groups : 5 - 10 years old

$ 2.00 each week

Register(登记): in the gym

Contact(联系): SmartKidsClub2@hotmail.com

1Smart Kids Club is open to the members ________.

       Aat 6:00 am on Fridays             Bat 5:00 pm on Saturdays      Cat 5:30 pm on Sundays

2If Mrs. Black’s twin daughters of 8 both join the club how much should she pay each week?

       A$ 2.                             B$ 4.                         C$16.

Theme Parks



Universal Studios(环球影城)

a dream land for

Hollywood movie fans

The history of movies the live shows and film tricks(技巧)can be found here and it has parks in the USA Japan and Singapore.


a world made of

 Lego bricks(乐高积木)

You’ll be sent back to your childhood time by the buildings and dolls made of Lego bricks and there are seven Legoland parks in the world and the one nearest to us is in Malaysia.

Ferrari World

a paradise(乐园)for

car lovers

You can experience the feeling of driving a Ferrari(法拉利)car and see how Ferrari’s racing cars are produced in Abu Dhabi.

3Lucy is interested in film making. Which park could be the best choice for her?

       AUniversal Studios.             BLegoland.                    CFerrari World. 

4While an adult is visiting Legoland what will probably be thought about?

       AHis or her childhood.              BHis or her present.            CHis or her future.

5According to the chart(图表) we know that__________.

       Awe can visit Universal Studios only in America

  Bthe buildings and dolls at Legoland are made of Lego bricks

  Cwe can get Ferrari cars for free when we visit Ferrari World


1C  2B  3A  4A  5B

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