早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Coffee,tea and cocoa have become the world's three major drinks and are drank by a third of the world's population.Drinking coffee is quite popular in the US and Europe,and it has a tendency of becoming popular in China.
In China,coffee is fashionable in large cities and there are more and more coffee houses opening.There is one at our school gate called Cross-Strait Coffee.Going to coffee houses has become a symbol of fashion while most people still know little about this.
The purpose of our survey this time is to let more people get to know about coffee,and I believe that it will become a culture as a drink --a culture which represents the impress made upon our chinese culture by the western culture.
In China,coffee is fashionable in large cities and there are more and more coffee houses opening.There is one at our school gate called Cross-Strait Coffee.Going to coffee houses has become a symbol of fashion while most people still know little about this.
The purpose of our survey this time is to let more people get to know about coffee,and I believe that it will become a culture as a drink --a culture which represents the impress made upon our chinese culture by the western culture.
看了 英语翻译咖啡,茶,可可成为当...的网友还看了以下:
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