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Look back upon 2008 ,be that we go all out be also that we advance bravely for the year,Our trials and hardship travels at double speed ,the spirit getting through bad luck,to pioneer an enterprise with painstaking efforts ,making great efforts to struggle attains self objectives unceasingly.Be also that every enterprise development is the most difficult in 2008 1 year."Finance storm " of a sudden has swept the globe every industry ,broad of the range that storm this affects,big of effect is hitherto unknown ,the whole world every industry is confronted with the very austere ordeal.Face this gigantic impingement force,many less enterprise of strength is smelt wind numerously and confusedly but but is not had the enterprise falling down,also quilt this storm premature belt enters frigidity's winter.Hold out and help in go after "going all out ,being innovative ,winning together in sincere message",to my department since relying on your all the time,we have been experienced in this chilly winter coming from the kindness that you give!We will never forget that our every make one's way back has you to hold out silently ,we will never forget that our every little the back of achievement has you to help active ,we will never forget our every segment of road once helped each other in distress.The buddy who works together though we are not that your maximal cooperation buddy,but we believe in with being that you are best,helps you to create more beneficial result because of our inherent anxiety and need that can consider you sufficiently.We make great efforts to achieve let you may pick fault without a murmur to the cooperation between us with the nothing.
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