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英语作文 你周末逛街时,经常在街上遇到很多乞丐向你讨钱,请对此现象加以叙述,并写写你的感受
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I think many of us would have met this situation,where there are beggars
on the streets,many of them who have some kind of disabilities or are old and
dirty which makes them looked really pitiful and helpless,and that we should
give them some money.Though we do not know if they are really homeless and
they beg because of their current plight or are just begging to cheat our
money.Some does that because they are just too lazy to work or either they
might be forced to do that.
Many times,we give money to them because we find them pitiful and sometimes,
we give just because we would feel guilty and it will plague our conscience if
we did not.But did I really do the right thing by giving them money?If I did not give them some money,would it be unethical if they were really in need of the money,and just that small change could help them?
During the weekends,I met them again near the mall that I frequent to.Looking at them in their dishevelled clothes and holding a cup begging,I used to pity them and give them some money.But as I grew older,I realised that it is not always the case that the money will help them.Now,I have stopped giving them money with the experienced I have had in China.I am not stereotyping all beggars,but many do that to earn easy money,that is not right.People may think I am selfish or stingy and don't pity them.But I really think people should stop doing that.The group of people begging will only get bigger,and those people really should find ways to earn money themselves.The government should do something to help those people in need and not by them begging.It is not right for some people who are not handicapped to cheat and gain sympathy from those passerbys.
After realising many of the dark secrets behind the beggars,it had hurt me emotionally and thus resulted in the change as to why I am not helping them.
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