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求英文翻译,星期日,母亲节,上午,我跟我的家人在一起吃了早餐,中午一起去逛了 花市(不会没关系),我买了一朵康乃馨给我的妈妈(不会就写flowers就行),我们到了下午才吃到我们的午餐,(结果太饱晚餐没吃 (这段不会写没关系)
Today is Mother's day and it's Sunday.My family and I had a breakfast together.Around noontime,we went to flower market.I bought a carnation there.When we had our lunch meal,it’s already late in the afternoon.We were hungry so much that we ate a lot of food.By dinner time in the evening,We were still too full to eat anything.