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注意: 不需要圣火的经历!
Olympic Flame
Now the 26th Centennial World Olympic Games are in full swing in Altanda.The Olympic flame is burning red and bright in the torch at the center of the Olympic square.Earlier before the official opening of the games it had been relayed one by one through the hands of runners,among them,students supported by the Chinese hope project.Thousands of people lined the struts to watch the relay.
The relay of the Olympic Flame is the symbol of the continuity between the ancient and modern Games.During the ancient Olympics a sacred flame burned at the altar of Zeus.A modern version of the flame was adopted for the Berlin Games in 1936,and the tradition has been observed ever since.The torch used to kindle the flame is first lit by the sun’s rays at Olympia in Greece,and then carried to the site of the Games by relays of runners.
Ships and planes are used when necessary.
The runners are specially chosen,All of them are hard working and as a result become overacbievers.The flame kindles the fire in everyone’s heart to encourage people to go on and on and bring the Olympic spirit into full play.
Olympic Flame
Now the 26th Centennial World Olympic Games are in full swing in Altanda.The Olympic flame is burning red and bright in the torch at the center of the Olympic square.Earlier before the official opening of the games it had been relayed one by one through the hands of runners,among them,students supported by the Chinese hope project.Thousands of people lined the struts to watch the relay.
The relay of the Olympic Flame is the symbol of the continuity between the ancient and modern Games.During the ancient Olympics a sacred flame burned at the altar of Zeus.A modern version of the flame was adopted for the Berlin Games in 1936,and the tradition has been observed ever since.The torch used to kindle the flame is first lit by the sun’s rays at Olympia in Greece,and then carried to the site of the Games by relays of runners.
Ships and planes are used when necessary.
The runners are specially chosen,All of them are hard working and as a result become overacbievers.The flame kindles the fire in everyone’s heart to encourage people to go on and on and bring the Olympic spirit into full play.
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