早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
作文啊亲们,帮帮忙吧!不要复制网上的,上次有人被抓住了死得好惨。下面把题目抄一遍。 Write a letter to your friend.Give him/her some advice about the best ways to learn English. Use the following expressions to help you: ①There are three good ways to… ②I think you should … ③If you do this,you will… ④If is also a good idea to…because… ⑤You could try to improve your English by…This will help you to …
Dear Tom,
Thanks for your letter. From your letter, I know you have some problems in English studying.Don't worry, I have some good advice to tell you now.
In class, you should listen to the teacher carefully and be active all the time. If you have any questions, you should ask your teacher in time.
After class, you must go over the lessons and finish your homework on time.
At home, you should practice pronunciations by listening to tapes. Do you like English movies?
Watching movies can improve your spoken skills . And do more reading in your free time. If you do like that, I'm sure you will be a good learner soon.
Thanks for your letter. From your letter, I know you have some problems in English studying.Don't worry, I have some good advice to tell you now.
In class, you should listen to the teacher carefully and be active all the time. If you have any questions, you should ask your teacher in time.
After class, you must go over the lessons and finish your homework on time.
At home, you should practice pronunciations by listening to tapes. Do you like English movies?
Watching movies can improve your spoken skills . And do more reading in your free time. If you do like that, I'm sure you will be a good learner soon.
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