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I love Shanghai
Shanghai is my favorite city.I love it because I was born there,and a lot of my family and friends live there.I did a lot of things there,like shopping,playing,going to my friend’s home and so on.
In Shanghai,people speak the same language as I do.The people in Shanghai are busy and friendly.
Shanghai is also an international city.It’s beautiful and fancy.There're a lot of tall buildings.
The best time of year to go there is spring,because in spring,the weather is cool and warm.But the fall is still very hot there.
That's why Shanghai is my favorite city.It's my home city.I love Shanghai!
I’d like to invite others to visit Shanghai because I want more and more people to know and visit my hometown.
If you go there,you'll like it soon !
Shanghai is my favorite city.I love it because I was born there,and a lot of my family and friends live there.I did a lot of things there,like shopping,playing,going to my friend’s home and so on.
In Shanghai,people speak the same language as I do.The people in Shanghai are busy and friendly.
Shanghai is also an international city.It’s beautiful and fancy.There're a lot of tall buildings.
The best time of year to go there is spring,because in spring,the weather is cool and warm.But the fall is still very hot there.
That's why Shanghai is my favorite city.It's my home city.I love Shanghai!
I’d like to invite others to visit Shanghai because I want more and more people to know and visit my hometown.
If you go there,you'll like it soon !
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