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Yi?This ring the school first class how suddenly so quiet today?West of the sun play out?Let me take you to take a look!
Oh!Turned out to be a long-awaited feeding finally released today.
This thing have to do it from the top!A week ago,the students are talking about a hot topic - feeding.A hot discussion at the class.\"Feeding\" is the national students in poor areas provided free of charge between one kind of food,usually in the morning proceed to issue,mainly have milk,bread,snow cake,fairy bay,etc.Three kind of food every day,and get the sample.Feeding has been attracting students.Some students say; \"Feeding all have what things?\" Some classmates said:\"quick'm worried me,hurry up and meet us!\" Some classmates around the teacher,ask this ask that,well,it seems that want to get some information from the teacher.
Proceed this morning,two teachers carry the tin bucket full of food came to our class,happily say:\"from today began to issue feeding.\" The students happy to jump three feet high,with one voice said:\"good!Good!\" Amid the you how also can not to heart,exercise also don't do a good job,intently watching the teacher as the delicious food on the students on the desk,everyone's mouth water.Wang lei students can't wait to eat these delicious.That amid,overjoyed when soaring.Finally through the \"long\",exercise time,everyone can't wait to open the packing and shoveled to eat.Some classmates a milk a mouthful of bread,some classmates eat slowly,some classmates touches the mouth while eating,and classmates excitedly don't know what to eat first.The tempting smell was in the classroom.
I think:the country for the sake of our health,issue atterngted to invest so much money.We must study hard and have the knowledge,grow up for the construction of the motherland,the motherland more prosperous!
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